Stephen and JK belated birthday celebration
Location: Party World @ Liang CourtI was the first to reach and....
I choose for all Jay Chou songs to be played. Lol~!
To prepare myself for his concert in Singapore in July?

The rest were 20 minutes late?
My camera kept me busy. Haha!

TCC marble cheesecake :)

Likes Stephen's t-shirt!

I wish, I wish and I wish.....
May all wishes come true!

Grace and Zion scanned through the pico taken before they arrived and they saw my camwhored pico! EEKS. SO PAISEH. And they offered to take a nice pico of me. Thanks arh -.-" .

Cheers to the night-is-still-early! :D

Group pico, camera set on timer, from left:
ME, Mia, Terence, Grace, Zion, Weiwei, Stanley and Stephen

Prize presentation time!!!
My favourite moment. HAHA!
Grace presented the birthday card to me.

Small group: Me, Grace, Weiwei, Stanley, Stephen, Mia and Terence
PS: Just a glass of beer is sufficient to make me RED. Ahem*

Headed over to Lunar (YUE) after Party World
Was attracted to the 2 wall pictures at the lounge.
Yes, totaly reminded me of tattoos.

Rounded the whole night with lots of singings (not by me) and sinful supper in Yue and left for home at 4.30am. Yes, everyone was so tired by then....
Appreciate the belated celebration!
Thanks colleagues! :)